Hi! I'm new!

Foreign users are more than welcome to join our forum, and in this section all threads will be in English. Threads related to other sections are welcome here as long they are in English.
Indlæg: 26
Tilmeldt: 3. okt 2015 18:24

Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af Lynphea » 3. okt 2015 18:51

Hello everyone!

I only barely speak Danish so I thought it was okay to introduce myself in the English only topic :)
My name is Mathilde, I am 21 years old from France! I am passionate about rodents and especially hamsters, which is why I signed in this forum in order to be a breeder of the Danish Hamster Society. My parents were themselves ethical gerbils and hamster breeders and I'd like to follow their path. I have started breeding by myself in France 2 years ago, but then I met my boyfriend who is danish and I decided to leave France and move in in Copenhagen with him :) It kind of stopped what I had started myself in France about breeding, and I didn't know where to start. But I met really nice people who are a part of this society; those persons along with my boyfriend encouraged me to keep doing what I am passionate about and made me want to be a breeder of the DHF. I am currently learning danish so I hope it is okay if I answer posts in English here at start because I am not very good yet!

If you have any question feel free!

Have a nice evening :)

Indlæg: 2835
Tilmeldt: 26. nov 2013 22:37

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af Rasholm » 3. okt 2015 20:43

Hi and welcome :D
Ha' en glad dag

Abu, Ayla, CC, Volot, Nocciola, Luc, Luciano & Anne
Rasmolms Hamsteropdræt

Indlæg: 1684
Tilmeldt: 12. feb 2013 16:56

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af mjoller » 3. okt 2015 21:06

Hi Mathilde! Nice to see you here :D
I hope it's going well with your little guy.
Best regards Michelle
Hilsen Michelle, Brocoli, Flopper og Hønse.
Fischers hamsteropdræt

Indlæg: 8551
Tilmeldt: 19. apr 2014 12:47

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af mosegaardmortensen89 » 4. okt 2015 09:27

Hi Mathilde

Welcome to DHF. So great you love hamsters

It is totally okay you answer in english :D

Venlig hilsen Maria


Indlæg: 260
Tilmeldt: 7. maj 2015 10:20

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af Catta » 5. okt 2015 02:42

Wow! That sounds so exciting :D Welcome to the DHF! :D
Med vennlig hilsen

Indlæg: 940
Tilmeldt: 10. sep 2013 18:54

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af LiseJuul » 6. okt 2015 15:46

Hi Mathilde!
Welcome to DHF and the tiny hamster-world embedded in Denmark :P
I really hope that you'll like it here, and hopefully we'll see you at some shows at some point? :D
It's really cool that you've moved to Denmark, and I hope you'll thrive here.
What species do you want to work with? And colours? :)


PS: So freaking cool that your parents were gerbil and hamster breeders! ;)

Indlæg: 4103
Tilmeldt: 19. jun 2008 12:22

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af darkangel87 » 8. okt 2015 09:19

Hi Mathilde
welcome to the forum, happy to see you could find it.
looking forward to seing pictures of all your hamsters (or should i call them pokemons? :D ).
If there is anything you don't understand in threads just ask.

When one door closes another opens. Grab the life and make it your own.

Indlæg: 26
Tilmeldt: 3. okt 2015 18:24

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af Lynphea » 13. okt 2015 10:47

Rasholm skrev:Hi and welcome :D
Thank you very much!

Indlæg: 26
Tilmeldt: 3. okt 2015 18:24

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af Lynphea » 13. okt 2015 10:49

mjoller skrev:Hi Mathilde! Nice to see you here :D
I hope it's going well with your little guy.
Best regards Michelle
Hey! Yes it's going great! He's a lovely little one and he's soooooo lazy we really have to check often in the evening to make sure we can play a bit with him before he goes back to sleep with some food ahaha!

Indlæg: 26
Tilmeldt: 3. okt 2015 18:24

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af Lynphea » 13. okt 2015 10:50

mosegaardmortensen89 skrev:Hi Mathilde

Welcome to DHF. So great you love hamsters

It is totally okay you answer in english :D

Hi and thank you! I'm very happy to be here :D

Indlæg: 26
Tilmeldt: 3. okt 2015 18:24

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af Lynphea » 13. okt 2015 10:51

Catta skrev:Wow! That sounds so exciting :D Welcome to the DHF! :D
Hello!! Thank you very much!!

Indlæg: 26
Tilmeldt: 3. okt 2015 18:24

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af Lynphea » 13. okt 2015 10:55

LiseJuul skrev:Hi Mathilde!
Welcome to DHF and the tiny hamster-world embedded in Denmark :P
I really hope that you'll like it here, and hopefully we'll see you at some shows at some point? :D
It's really cool that you've moved to Denmark, and I hope you'll thrive here.
What species do you want to work with? And colours? :)


PS: So freaking cool that your parents were gerbil and hamster breeders! ;)
Hi! Yes I am so looking forward to seeing all of you at the shows some time!! I would like to work with Winter Whites and Campbells mainly, and I'm reading a lot about Syrians because I think it'd be awesome to work with them too! About the colors I am mainly into mottled Campbells and Pearl/Sapphire Winter Whites!

Indlæg: 26
Tilmeldt: 3. okt 2015 18:24

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af Lynphea » 13. okt 2015 10:58

darkangel87 skrev:Hi Mathilde
welcome to the forum, happy to see you could find it.
looking forward to seing pictures of all your hamsters (or should i call them pokemons? :D ).
If there is anything you don't understand in threads just ask.
Hi Heidi! Im so happy to be here too! I will be posting pictures of all of my pokemons for sure ahaha :p So far i haven't been here a lot since I'm still visiting my parents in France, but if I have any problem I know I can always rely on you, thank you!!

Indlæg: 652
Tilmeldt: 11. nov 2014 19:02

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af JaneSørensen » 17. okt 2015 23:01

Hi and welcome to DHF :D . I hope you will find us to be helpfull in every way :D . I wish you the best of luck with your project :D
Med Venlig Hilsen Jane Sørensen

Benji's hamsteropdræt

Indlæg: 26
Tilmeldt: 3. okt 2015 18:24

Re: Hi! I'm new!

Indlæg af Lynphea » 21. okt 2015 17:27

JaneSørensen skrev:Hi and welcome to DHF :D . I hope you will find us to be helpfull in every way :D . I wish you the best of luck with your project :D
Thank you very much! I hope so too :)
