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Rex and shorthaired gold hamsters

: 25. okt 2010 03:35
af Amun-Ra

I breed hamsters with some strict rules to try to save the quality of their fur! I do never mix longhairs witch shorthairs cause I want my longhairs and shorthaired lines to stay clean I breed black and yellowbased shorthairs. Witch means that it is almost difficult finding a black and yellowbased rex, witch do not have creams or crambased hamsters in the pedigree. Pluss it seems almost impossible to find a clean shorthairs here in Finland since they seem to got the bad habbit to allways mix lh with sh. It is even harder to find clean shorthaired black and yellowbased rexes. I was extreamly lucky when i found my yellow rex shorthaired male Baldur! Just pure luck and nothing else! Since it is very difficult to find shorthaired rexes witch has no creams or creambased hamsters in the pedigree and also clean shorthairs I started to seek from other countries. So my question there eny breeder in Denmark that breed rexes and black and yellowbased shorthairs and if they have longhairs do not mix them. Please let me know! I desperately need to know... :?

: 25. okt 2010 06:15
af darkangel87
the hmsters with rex fur in Denmark comes from 6 hamsters imported from sweden, and they where all longhaired, and it has only been 2 years since now, and the work haven't evolved that much yet, I'm one of the breeders that imported them and got 4 rex fured hamsters, i have worked on getting shorthaired, but there have been most longhaired so far.