Which colour does my hamster has?

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Indlæg: 44
Tilmeldt: 13. jul 2009 09:46

Which colour does my hamster has?

Indlæg af Pravandi » 13. jul 2009 13:45

(If I placed it on the wrong subforum, please move the topic)

Does somebody know by any change what I have breed in my last litter?
First he was just a cream hamster with black spots on his backside. When he was 6/7 weeks he turned a bit black on the sides of his head. Now the black to parts of the hears come also on his shoulders and his sides.

Does somebody knows wat colour of colours he is?



Or I just have to wait till his new owners is gone breed with him, to know which colour he has.

Indlæg: 4103
Tilmeldt: 19. jun 2008 12:22

Indlæg af darkangel87 » 13. jul 2009 13:50

i would say cream but where the black is coming from i have no idea about'
but could it be a black tortie with a great amount of tortie?
Senest rettet af darkangel87 13. jul 2009 14:33, rettet i alt 1 gang.

When one door closes another opens. Grab the life and make it your own.


Indlæg af liv » 13. jul 2009 13:52

I don't know what color he is...

But I can tell that I think he is BEUTIFUL!!! :pinklove:  :pinklove:

Indlæg: 748
Tilmeldt: 8. jan 2008 19:53

Indlæg af FrkHoumann » 13. jul 2009 15:09

I have no idea, but GOSH, he is just beautiful!! :shock:
Tjek min nye hjemmeside:

Indlæg: 1545
Tilmeldt: 8. okt 2006 10:26

Indlæg af Spot » 13. jul 2009 15:15

Looks like an opposite Tottie (don't know what that is in english) Very special and pretty :D
Mvh. Katrine

Indlæg: 4520
Tilmeldt: 24. aug 2007 19:55

Indlæg af burrus » 13. jul 2009 16:09

do you know the parents colors?
Pia B
.. et lille opdræt af ørkenrotter - kig også forbi den nye infoside for ørkenrotter: www.orkenrotte.dk

Indlæg: 1579
Tilmeldt: 12. maj 2006 14:07

Indlæg af Benjamin » 13. jul 2009 17:20

I have never seen anything like that, and if its a he it can not even be a tortie.

In Sweden they describe something they call Mosaik and i was wondering if you hamster maybe was that, i have borrowed a picture from the swedish hamsterclubs homepage of a creme mosaik Satin.

In sweden they describe the color: the color have to follow the standard, and the hamster most have one or more spots.
the hamster may not be golden, it most have a mutatated color.
The spots may not be white or yellow, but of a darker or golden character, thats mean the cells there where the spots are, have mutated back to a natural color, useually golden.

I dont know if they may have black spots but i think so, but your hamster have very big spots so i really dont know what it is this was just a little guess. :D

But i would like to know the color of the parrents to. :D
And then i most say its a very special and very pretty hamster you have. :D
Vedhæftede filer
Billed lånt af www.hamsterforeningen.se
mosaik.jpg (11.92 KiB) Vist 5358 gange
Venlig Hilsen Benjamin...  Hamsters are like popato Chips, you can´t just have one.
:kina: smil det smitter, GMH er ikke en sygdom men en Livsstil :notworthy:  

Indlæg: 4520
Tilmeldt: 24. aug 2007 19:55

Indlæg af burrus » 13. jul 2009 17:30

mosaik was also my first thought...
Pia B
.. et lille opdræt af ørkenrotter - kig også forbi den nye infoside for ørkenrotter: www.orkenrotte.dk

Indlæg: 551
Tilmeldt: 19. apr 2008 16:23

Indlæg af ZenZen » 13. jul 2009 19:00

Oh wauw! :shock:  He's just gorgeous!  :love4:  :love:  :pray2

Indlæg: 44
Tilmeldt: 13. jul 2009 09:46

Indlæg af Pravandi » 13. jul 2009 19:20

Partens are black tts (tortie?) and black nominant spot (dalmatier).
I also thought it would be a mozaik, but the spots are to big for mozaik. Mozaik is just one/two spots or stripes.

Thank you for the other nice commands  :oops:

Indlæg: 4520
Tilmeldt: 24. aug 2007 19:55

Indlæg af burrus » 13. jul 2009 20:21

well then I would say he is yellow black - aa ToY  
A strange one though!  :?  
Can't Figure out why he has the black areas, without the yellow effect - but the rest off is body-collor looks like a yellow  black (aa ToY) - particularly his head
Pia B
.. et lille opdræt af ørkenrotter - kig også forbi den nye infoside for ørkenrotter: www.orkenrotte.dk

Indlæg: 44
Tilmeldt: 13. jul 2009 09:46

Indlæg af Pravandi » 13. jul 2009 20:26

Do you also think the colour under the spots are yellow, because in real life he is the colour like that, only on some spots he has top black hairs.

Indlæg: 4520
Tilmeldt: 24. aug 2007 19:55

Indlæg af burrus » 13. jul 2009 20:35

Pravandi skrev:Do you also think the colour under the spots are yellow, because in real life he is the colour like that, only on some spots he has top black hairs.
in the black spots - is the single hair black from top to buttom - or is the hair lighter in the buttom of the hair?  

it looks fun with the black areas/spots - but I would still call him a yellow black... maybe the nominant gene has an effect - whos know  :?  the gene that makes nominant is still pretty "unknown" in all it's effects on colors and markings...
Pia B
.. et lille opdræt af ørkenrotter - kig også forbi den nye infoside for ørkenrotter: www.orkenrotte.dk

Indlæg: 44
Tilmeldt: 13. jul 2009 09:46

Indlæg af Pravandi » 14. jul 2009 10:01

The hairs are totally black, so not like a normal yellow black has and what he has on his head a bit and shoulders.

But he will be Nsns, not nsns. So can it be that it has something to do with nominant spot?

Indlæg: 4520
Tilmeldt: 24. aug 2007 19:55

Indlæg af burrus » 14. jul 2009 12:40

not shure if the Nsns has an effect - maybe... The nom spot gene is still "unknown" in all effects :?
Pia B
.. et lille opdræt af ørkenrotter - kig også forbi den nye infoside for ørkenrotter: www.orkenrotte.dk
