Dubbel-Casanovas and Embrosias Litter

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Tilmeldt: 9. mar 2011 10:13

Dubbel-Casanovas and Embrosias Litter

Indlæg af Amun-Ra » 20. mar 2011 21:18

At last my adorable mr charmer Dubbel-Casanova aka The Ladies Man has become father. Mother is my black rex embrosia a very adorable calm and sweet girl.

The first try did not go so well when Dubbel-Casanova played hard to get to Embrosia. He was not even interested in her even if she was in heat. So I took his dad Dubbel-Knut to teach his son how to make babies. He was breeding Embrosia infront of Dubbel-Casanovas cage while Dubbel-Casanova was looking at...ahem...daddys teachings. :lol:

How ever Embrosia did not get eny babies with Dubbel-Knut. And that I think has to do with the fact that Dubbel-Knut is not that young and fertile eny more.

21st February I remated Embrosia with Dubbel-Casanova and this time it worked. Looks like his fathers teachings helped to get Dubbel-Casanova get the idea how to breed to get babies.. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

9th March 8 pupps where born! 3 pupps died of starvation since Embrosia seemd to not produce enough milk. But 5 adorable pupps remain and they are all fat and healthy. The pupps are 11 days today. I have checked the sexes and all pupps has got their names....

Dubbel-Casanova Jr(Golden umb. LH)
Dubbel-Don Juan (Black LH)
Dubbel-Casandra (Golden umb. rex LH)
Dubbel-Daisy (Black LH)
Dubbel-Doris (Black rex LH)
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